Tuesday, July 16, 2013

7/16 run - Oh, the humidity

3.7 miles: 40:06: 11:10 pace

It was 75 degrees with 80% humidity at 5:30 am. That's really all I have. My plan was to do four to five miles but the group wasn't feeling it and in retrospect once I got out there I wasn't feeling it either.

The forecast calls for cooler temps Sunday but nothing on the humidity. Was contemplating wearing the fuel belt but with aid stations every 1.7 or so miles I don't think it'll be necessary. The weather is going to make this a tough race. One of the woman from the run club who has numerous half marathons under her belt says her goal is to just finish. That's sort of making me rethink my expectations.

I did the 13.1 in 2:37 a couple of weeks ago in awful condition and was hoping for less than 2:30. Between the adrenaline of a race and aid stations to stay hydrated I still thinking it's doable. That's still going to be my goal but I'm not going beat myself up if I don't hit it. Need to listen to my body and keep focused on October.


  1. Hey! Saw your post on FB and think I recognize you from this morning. We did 6 this morning and felt every bit of it!
    Running in this heat is definitely about survival. I think pacing yourself through a tough race builds physical and mental confidence. Hope to see you out bright and early again soon- and remind me not to be rude and introduce myself!

  2. No worries, I've been running solo so I'm getting use to be social at that early hour. Probably going to be out there tomorrow for short run. I'm enjoying the camaraderie and change in scenery from my usual runs.
