Friday, July 12, 2013

7/11 run - Mixed bag

3.7 miles: 39:17: 10:38 pace
2.4 miles: 28:00:11:49 pace

Had no idea what I should have run yesterday, I'm in a weird training limbo because of the 5K Sunday -- where I want a personal best -- and the half marathon on July 21. The 5K is basically going to be my speed work for the week, I'm going to try and run 3.1 miles as fast as possible without throwing up because I want to break 30 minutes.

At first I was just going to head out and do six easy miles but then I remembered I had the Road Runner Adventure Run in the evening. Instead I decided to do my 3.7 mile loop around the house and just push myself every so slightly more than I would normally. This was maybe a little under race pace considering that I haven't run a 5K race since November.

I was really happy with this run. I felt good but also felt like I had something left in the tank, which makes breaking 30 a real possibility.

As for the Adventure Run -- well, that didn't go as well. I got out there and was not feeling right. Don't know if I didn't eat or drink enough before but I was in a bad place. Turned around early to rehydrate and grab some food.

Which now brings up a new section for Zack Can Run, shameless plugs! Just to be clear, I did receive free products but not because I have this blog, just because I am a sucker for places that give out free stuff.

As I've written before, I've been attending the Road Runner Sports Adventure Runs in Wilmette. These are a lot of fun and it's not just because I have gotten a lot of free stuff -- even though I have.

Last night Honey Stinger was a sponsor and I tried a few of their offerings, some of the best tasting energy products I've tasted. The waffles are ridiculous and the bars are some of the best I've had too. I won't be switching off of my Cliff Shots for now but will keep these in the running.

I previously won a pair of New Balance shoes at the Adventure Run, New Balance is a sponsor. But last night they also had Mizuno out there. I ran in the brand new Wave Sayanora and they were really nice shoes very light but sturdy with a nice wide toe box. With the raffle I also won a pair of Mizuno shoes, though I am giving the certificate to Rory because she needs a new pair and I don't. That said, if she doesn't find a pair of Mizuno she likes I will be getting a pair of the Wave Sayanora.

Rest day tomorrow and 5K in a tutu fun on Sunday. Boot camp Monday and Wednesday, no idea what I'm running Tuesday, figure I'll do an easy two miles on Thursday.

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