Monday, March 25, 2013


Hoping this is one of the last times I have
to bundle up for a run.
I was bitching about the weather last week and it appears to be turning around at least a little. It may be in the 30s when I wake up and head out Tuesday and Thursday and might be 40 Saturday.

Though I had a fantastic run Thursday morning when it was 18 but felt like 6. I almost bailed but knew another run wasn't in the cards for me. The plan was to do at least six miles but got in a little more than seven at under an 11-minute mile pace. I just felt good and in retrospect I could have probably pumped up my pace by a few seconds if I would have thought about it a bit more. I also would have kept going if I had more time but I had to get home.

I needed a good run. Tuesday afternoon I went out for a four-mile run and it was a struggle the entire time, temp in the 30s but 25 mph winds and I was hurting the entire time. Those are the runs were I question what I'm doing and why I even bother going out the door.

But two days later a good run with a nice endorphin rush and my faith was brought back.

Tomorrow will be six miles and another double on Thursday. Will do four in the morning and am running with a group Thursday evening where I think we'll do between three and six. Saturday is 10 miles, my first shot at that distance, I'm already looking forward to it.

April is almost here and it's a busy race month. Shamrock Shuffle on April 7 and the Lakefront 10-miler on April 20. After the 10-miler it's all about the Tough Mudder on May 18, though I do have a 13.1 mile training run scheduled for the first weekend in May.

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