Tuesday, March 12, 2013

A little background

In November 2011 I was probably 50 to 60 pounds overweight. I worked out, ran a little on the treadmill and lifted some weights but didn't have any results. My diet wasn't great either. It was obvious I wasn't feeling great about myself at this point, I can't find a picture from this time either.

November 2011, the beer was part
of the problem.
Right before Thanksgiving in 2011 I started with the now defunct Chi-Town Boot Camp, which met four mornings a week at a dojo in Evanston, Ill. This was a turning point. I purchased a Groupon for a month and have been with the program ever since.

During that time I have lost more than 40 pounds and 10% body fat. I owe most of the thanks to the trainers who have guided me and the support of my wife, Rory, all of whom you'll hear more about later. The boot camp program is fantastic. Every workout is something different and you don't have to worry about getting into a rut.

Working out has led to my diet improving and my drinking has reduced. A year ago I was barely able to run a mile and three days ago I ran ran more than eight. I've run numerous 5Ks, two 10Ks and while I'm not blowing away any records it feels good to get out there and moving.

Last August a group of my college friends invited me to take part in the Tough Mudder on May 18, a 10 to 12 mile obstacle course race that excited and terrifies me. I'm also doing a half marathon in July.

But the culmination of all this will be October 13 when I run the Chicago Marathon. It too is both exciting and terrifying but I'm confident I can do it. My plan with this is to is to chronicle my training and race results as I make the journey to October.

There's another motive too, I'm running the marathon to raise money for the Wright-Way Rescue, the animal shelter that Rory and I got our Matilda.

So, hop on board the crazy running train, it's going to be a heck of a ride.

Matilda cuddling with a toy she would proceed to destroy minutes later. 

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