6.2 miles: 1:05:28: 10:32 pace
While I wasn't expecting a personal best at this race I did end up with one. The race felt good for two reasons: the ankle is feeling better and I can run faster than an 11-minute mile.
Since many of my training runs are longer I've been really slow, which is fine. But I don't want all my runs to be like that. Even my run last week where I thought I was moving at a decent clip but it was still slower than an 11-minute mile was discouraging.
I know I won't come close to this pace for the marathon but I still have goals when it comes to some of the shorter distances and would like to be able to some day be able to consistently go sub-10 minute mile for 5K and 10K.
The Crosstown Classic 10K was a fun race -- though the black shirts they gave the south siders were a bit of a hindrance when the sun was shining. The only thing it was missing was beer at the end, that would have been a nice touch.
Sunday got away from me a bit so I didn't get another run in this weekend. Did boot camp this morning and hitting that again on Wednesday and Friday. I'm planing seven tomorrow, six on Thursday and eight on Saturday.
And September is over and I didn't hit the century mark but came close: 98.74 miles for the month. I'm glad I took it was last week because I'm feeling a lot better. Five more runs between now and the marathon, probably about a total of 29 or 30 miles.
Well done on the PB! Sub an hour next time?
ReplyDeleteThat might be tough but it's an eventual goal. Planning to run my next 10K on Nov. 24 and should be good conditions.
ReplyDeleteOh nice. I'm expecting to be knee deep in snow here by then! (Ski racing time!)