This was my last sub-two hour run until I taper for the marathon. The run went well, even though it was a bit muggy -- WeatherBug said 67 degrees but 90% humidity when I walked out the door.
I had trouble flipping the switch, my mind was going a million different directions during the run. I'm on deadline for work, helping plan a conference and was finishing a home improvement project yesterday, all of which were jumping through my head as I ran yesterday.
Can't complain about the run, still breaking in new shoes, so my feet were bugging me a little bit. I did have a new/odd muscle cramp on the inside of my left knee. Had to stop for a minute and stretch it out but it went away. All in all, I'm feeling pretty good.
Slight change to the training schedule. I'm running the Chicago Half Marathon on Sept. 8. I was supposed to running 18 that weekend so I'm moving it up a week. So the next three week long runs will be 15, 16 and then 18. This is what O'm talking about when I mean things are getting real.
I have next weeks run mapped out and depending on how true that route is I'll use the same one the following week but add a mile. Not sure what I'm going to do for 18 yet.
Next week I'm also stepping back my boot camp sessions to just Monday and Wednesday. Tuesday will be a seven mile run and four on Thursday.
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